Psalms Chapter 52

Psalms 52:1 Strong man, why are you bragging about the evil you did? Do you not know that God’s goodness continues forever?

Psalms 52:2 Your tongue, like a sharp razor, You say things that hurt and wound people. You also try to deceive everyone.

Psalms 52:3 You love doing bad things more than good things. You love telling lies more than telling the truth.   Paulse and think

Psalms 52:4 You with your lying tongue love to hurt and destroy people.

Psalms 52:5 So God will defeat you forever!  He will grab you and pull you from your home.  God will make you to die like someone pulling up a plant by the roots.    Paulse and think

Psalms 52:6 The people who live in the right way will see it and they will fear God: They will laugh at you:

Psalms 52:7 Look what happened to the man who did not believe in God, He trusted his money and became rich by destroying other people.

Psalms 52:8 But I am like a green olive tree growing in God’s Temple.   I will trust God’s faithful love forever and ever.

Psalms 52:9 Lord, I will thank You forever for all the wonderful things that You have done to me. I will trust in your name and tell people how good You are. I will say it where all the believers are together.