John Chapter 2

John 2:1 On the 3rd days there was a wedding in the town of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.

John 2:2 The people also invited Jesus and his disciples to the wedding.

John 2:3 At the wedding there was not enough wine, so Jesus’ mother said to him, They have no more wine.

John 2:4 Jesus said to her: Dear woman, why do you tell Me this? My time has not come yet.

John 2:5 Jesus’ mother said to the servants: You must do what Jesus tells you to do.

John 2:6 There were 6 stone waterpots. The Jews used the water in these pots to wash and purify themselves. each waterpot holding from twenty to thirty gallons.

John 2:7 Jesus told the servants to fill the barrels with water.  The servants filled them to the top.

John 2:8 Then Jesus told them: Now fill the cups with water and give it to the man in charge of the feast.

John 2:9 Then the man in charge tasted it, but the water had become wine. He did not know where the wine had come from, but the servants who brought the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom to come.

John 2:10 The man in charge said: People always give their guests the best wine first, and when everyone is drunk, then they give them the wine that is not so good. But you have kept the best wine until now.

John 2:11 This was Jesus’ first miracle. He did it in the town of Cana in Galilee. There Jesus showed the people that He was God and his disciples believed in Him.

John 2:12 Then Jesus, his mother, his brothers and his disciples went to the town of Capernaum for a few days.

John 2:13 It was near the time of the Jewish Passover and Jesus went to Jerusalem.

John 2:14 At the temple He saw people who were selling cattle, sheep and doves. He saw others sitting at tables, exchanging and trading people’s money.

John 2:15 Jesus took some rope and He made a whip. Then He chased all of them out of the temple, and also the sheep and cattle. Jesus poured out their money and turned over the tables of the money traders.

John 2:16 Jesus said to the people who sold doves: Take these things out of here. Do not make my Father’s house a place for buying and selling.

John 2:17 And Jesus disciples remembered the Old Testament it is written: My strong devotion to your Temple will destroy me.

John 2:18 The Jews said to Jesus: Show us a miracle as a sign from God that prove that you have the right to do these things.

John 2:19 Jesus said to them: Destroy this temple and I will build it again in 3 days.

John 2:20 The Jews said: People have worked for 46 years to build this temple. And You say You can build it in 3 days?

John 2:21 But Jesus was talking about his own body when He talked about the temple.

John 2:22 Later, after Jesus died and He lived again, the disciples remembered the words that He had said. Then they believed in the scriptures and the words that Jesus had said.

John 2:23 Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover. Many people saw the miracles that Jesus did, and they believed in Him.

John 2:24 But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people.

John 2:25 He did not need anyone to tell him what a person was like. He already knew.