Genises Chapter 44

Genesis 44:1 Joseph told the manager of his house:  Fill the men’s bags with wheat. Make it as full as they can carry and put each man’s money back into the top of his bag.

Genesis 44:2 Joseph said, You must put my cup, the silver cup, in the bag of the youngest brother with his money for the corn.’ The manager did what Joseph told him.

Genesis 44:3 Early the next morning, the brothers and their donkeys were sent back to their country.

Genesis 44:4 After Joseph’s brethren had left the city, Joseph said to his manager of his house, Go and follow the men. Stop them and say to them, we were good to you! So why have you been bad to us?  Why did you steal my master’s silver cup?

Genesis 44:5 My master drinks from that cup, and he uses it to learn secret things. What you did was wrong!’”

Genesis 44:6 The manager went out to the brothers and stopped them. The manager told them what Joseph had said

Genesis 44:7 Joseph’s Brethren asked the master of the house: Why does the governor say these things? We would never do a bad thing like that.

Genesis 44:8 Joseph’s Brethren said we brought back the money that we found in our bags before. We would never steal silver or gold from your master’s house.

Genesis 44:9 If you find the cup in one of our bags, you may kill that person and then we will all be your slaves.

Genesis 44:10 The manager said: ‘Yes, we will do as you say. But only the man in whose bag I find the cup will be my slave. All the other brothers may go.

Genesis 44:11 Everyone put his bag on the ground quickly and opened it

Genesis 44:12 The manager looked into the bags. He started looking in the bag of the oldest brother and stopped at the youngest brother, and then he found the cup in Benjamin’s bag

Genesis 44:13The brothers tore their clothes because they were sad and upset. They put everything they had on their donkeys and went back to the city.

Genesis 44:14 When Judah and his brothers came to Joseph’s house, Joseph was still there.  Judah and his brethren lay before Joseph with their faces to the ground.

Genesis 44:15 Joseph asked his brethren: What have you done? You must know that a man like me can tell what will happen in the future.

Genesis 44:16 Judah said to Joesph: Sir, what can we say to you?  What can we say and how can we prove that we are innocent?  God has shown that we are guilty.  Sir, here we are now. We are your slaves, all of us, and the one who had your cup.

Genesis 44:17 Joseph said: No, I would never do that. The man who had my cup will be my slave. The others may go back to your father.

Genesis 44:18 Judah came to Joseph and told him:  Please, sir, may I talk to you alone? Do not get angry with me. You are like Pharaoh.

Genesis 44:19 Sir, when we were here the first time, you asked us if we had a father and a brother.

Genesis 44:20 And we answered you, we have a father—he is an old man. And we have a younger brother. Our father loves him because he was born while our father was old. This youngest son’s brother is dead, so he is the only son who is left from that mother. Our father loves him very much

Genesis 44:21 Sir, you told us to bring youngest brethren to you because you wanted to see him.

Genesis 44:22 Sir, we told you That young boy cannot come. He cannot leave his father. If his father loses him, his father will be so sad that he will die

Genesis 44:23 But, sir, you told us if we did not bring our youngest brother with us, then we could not see you again.

Genesis 44:24 We went to our father, and we told him what you said

Genesis 44:25 One day our father told us that we would have to go and buy food,

Genesis 44:27 Our father told us: You know that I had only 2 children with this wife.

Genesis 44:28 I let one son go away, and he was killed by a wild animal. And I haven’t seen him since.

Genesis 44:29 If you take this son away from me and something happens to him, then I, an old man, will be so sad that I will die.

Genesis 44:30 Now, imagine what will happen when we go home to the father without our youngest brother—he is the most important thing in our father’s life!

Genesis 44:31 My father will die if he sees his son is not with us. Then it will be our fault if our father who is old dies because he is so sad.

Genesis 44:32 I promised my father that I would look after his son and make sure that he was safe. I said if he did not go back to my father, then it would be my fault forever.

Genesis 44:33 Sir, please let me stay here in my brother’s place. Sir, I will be your slave, but please let the boy go back with his brothers.

Genesis 44:34 I cannot go back to my father if the boy is not with me. I am very afraid of what would happen to my father.