Genesis 45:1 Joseph could no longer stop himself from crying. Joseph told all the other people to go away from him, and only Joseph’s brothers stayed with him. Then Joseph told his brothers who he was.
Genesis 45:2 Joseph cried so loudly that the Egyptian people heard him in Pharaoh’s house.
Genesis 45:3 Joseph said to his brothers: I am your brother Joseph. Is Father still alive? But Joseph’s brothers did not answer him because they were afraid.
Genesis 45:4 And Joseph said to his brothers: Come here to me. I beg you, come here, and Joseph told them: I am Joseph your brother. You sold me to merchants, and they brought me here to Egypt.
Genesis 45:5 Now do not feel bad. Don’t be angry with yourselves for what you did. It was God’s plan for me to come here. I am here to save people’s lives.
Genesis 45:6 It is now the 2nd year that there has been a famine in the land. There will be a famine for another 5 years. There will be five more years without planting or harvest.
Genesis 45:7 So God sent me here ahead of you so that I can save your people in this country. God sent me so that I can save a lot of people.
Genesis 45:8 It was not you who sent me to Egypt. It was God. God chose me to tell Pharaoh what he must do. I, Joseph, am also the chief of Pharaoh’s house and the ruler of all the people in Egypt.